diet with cucumbers

cucumber water for weight loss

Cucumber diet helps to get rid of excess weight quickly. It is planned to use cucumbers with the addition of certain products in the diet: fish, meat, eggs, tomatoes, kefir. The popularity of this weight loss method is due to its simplicity and low cost. However, it can have contraindications and disadvantages.

How the diet works

The effectiveness of the diet is related to the main product in the diet - cucumber. Vegetables are 97% water, and the rest are mineral salts, fibers, nitrogen compounds, sugars, B vitamins. Useful trace elements support the work of the kidneys, blood vessels and heart. Even a one-day diet triggers processes in the body that lead to strong weight loss:

  • fiber accelerates and improves digestion;
  • the product absorbs and removes harmful substances from the body;
  • Tartronic acid prevents the processing of carbohydrates into fat reserves;
  • the diuretic effect of vegetables eliminates excess salt and removes swelling.

Such a diet is considered low-calorie. The energy value of the product is 16 kcal per 100 g. When a person uses this herbal medicine every day, only 250 kcal enters the body, which allows you to steadily reduce weight. Enzymes contained in cucumbers help proteins to be better absorbed by the body. Therefore, such a product is well combined with fish and meat.

It can be used to make salads or added to dishes with baked or boiled fish or chicken. Such a diet system leads to gradual weight loss and does not harm the body. When you eat cucumbers, you lose weight quickly. In 1 day you can lose 1 kg.

Compliance rules

In order for the cucumber diet for weight loss to be effective, you must follow the established rules:

  • to quickly get rid of excess weight, you need to choose a diet system that lasts for 3 days or a kefir option for a week;
  • the main product in the diet is fresh cucumber without bread and salt;
  • vegetables go well with protein foods: chicken, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, eggs;
  • other vegetables can be added to the menu, but in smaller quantities;
  • unsweetened fruit is allowed once a day;
  • dishes that should be cooked during a diet: beets, okroška, vegetable salads;
  • salt is added in minimal quantities;
  • food intake - 5 times a day in small portions;
  • It is recommended to drink 2 liters of water a day.

To be more efficient, you need to practice.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cucumber diet has both positive and negative sides.
Advantages of this technique include:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • saturation of the body with various vitamins;
  • does not lead to exhaustion;
  • the feeling of hunger is practically absent;
  • quenches thirst well in summer.


  • there are many contraindications;
  • expels useful substances from the body;
  • has a strong diuretic effect;
  • the result may not be long-lasting.

If there are contraindications, then this technique should be abandoned. So that minerals and vitamins are not washed out of the body, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes. You can save weight after a diet if you come off it properly and stick to a proper diet in the future.


Such a diet is prohibited for the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • enterocolitis.

Salted and pickled cucumbers are forbidden in case of hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Types of diets and menus with cucumbers

There are several effective ways to lose weight, which can last 1 day or 2 weeks. Even therapeutic diets have been developed when you need to eat 1. 5 kg of cucumbers per day, including low-calorie food. In 14 days you can lose up to 8 kg. Fruits, berries and nuts (optional) help fill the vitamin deficiency.

mono diet

This way of getting rid of excess weight includes including the main vegetable - cucumber - in the diet. Must be tracked within 1 day. During this time, the skin is cleansed, the metabolism is restored, the balance of water and salt in the body is normalized. During the day, you should drink green tea or coffee without sugar in moderation, because vegetables already contain a lot of water. This type of mono-diet should be used once a month.

Prepare a salad with cucumbers and onions, add greens and season with low-fat sour cream. The dish is divided into 4 portions and consumed as follows:

  • first portion at 9-10 am;
  • the second - at 13-14 hours;
  • the third - at 16-17 hours;
  • fourth - at 19-20 hours.

For each meal, you can add 1 tomato, 1 orange, a piece of integral bread, 1 egg. At night it is allowed to eat 1 green apple.

In 7 days

With such a diet, which lasts 7 days, you can lose 3-4 kg. Breakfast must include 2 cucumbers.


  1. Breakfast: omelet of 1 egg with 70 ml skimmed milk.
  2. Lunch: cucumber salad with parsley or dill, seasoned with lemon juice.
  3. Lunch: 150 g of boiled chicken thighs, fresh cabbage.
  4. Afternoon snack: 2 fresh cucumbers.
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled egg.


  1. Breakfast: soft boiled egg.
  2. Lunch: 200 ml of low-fat kefir.
  3. Lunch: 150 g of baked fish, 2 tomatoes and a cucumber.
  4. Afternoon snack: 2 small cucumbers.
  5. Dinner: 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 cucumbers.


  1. Breakfast: 2-egg omelette.
  2. Lunch: cucumber smoothie.
  3. Lunch: 150 g of beef stew, vegetable salad with 2 tbsp. l. peas.
  4. Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinner: carrot, cabbage and cucumber salad seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Cucumber smoothie recipe: Peel the vegetable, cut it into cubes and put it in a blender. Add 2 green onion feathers, 3 dill sprigs, a glass of low-fat kefir. Grind until smooth and add a little salt.


  1. Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat porridge.
  2. Lunch: 200 ml of kefir.
  3. Lunch: cold soup.
  4. Afternoon snack: cucumber smoothie.
  5. Dinner: 150 g of chicken cutlets, cucumber salad.


  1. Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs.
  2. Lunch: a piece of whole grain bread with cucumber paste.
  3. Lunch: 150 g of beef steak, cabbage salad and cucumber.
  4. Afternoon snack: cucumber smoothie.
  5. Dinner: 100 g of low-fat yogurt.


  1. Breakfast: omelette.
  2. Lunch: a glass of kefir.
  3. Lunch: boiled chicken, cucumber salad.
  4. Afternoon snack: 200 ml of tomato juice.
  5. Dinner: cucumber salad with avocado.

Cucumber and avocado salad Recipe: 2 cucumbers, peeled. Grind vegetables and avocado, finely chop dill, green onion, garlic clove. The salad is mixed and seasoned with lemon juice.


  1. Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  2. Lunch: cucumber smoothie.
  3. Lunch: 150 g lean fish soup, cucumber salad.
  4. Afternoon snack: 250 ml of kefir.
  5. Dinner: salad with cucumbers, corn and eggs.

During the diet, it is necessary to move a lot, drink water or unsweetened tea. Decoctions of herbs, for example, chamomile, mint, rosehip, sage, etc. , bring blessings.

In 3 days

Diet with cucumbers for weight loss for 2 kg in 3 days is considered relief. It is necessary to eat 2 kg of vegetables every day. The approximate menu looks like this: after waking up, they drink a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon. This helps the body to wake up and cleanse itself of toxins.

In order to lose weight by 2-3 kg, you need to cook a dish of tomatoes, cucumbers and greens for breakfast. It is seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. It is allowed to eat a piece of rye bread and drink green tea. For lunch, vegetable soup is prepared in lean broth. You can make a salad from boiled chicken breast and cucumbers. Dinner is presented with low-fat fresh cheese, vegetable salad with herbs and cucumbers. This menu must be followed for 3 days. The total calorie content of the product does not exceed 900 kcal.

In 10 days

In 10 days on a diet with cucumbers you can lose 7-8 kg. Breakfast during the day includes 2 cucumbers and a piece of rye bread. Sample menu:

Day 1

  1. Lunch: vegetable soup with carrot and cucumber.
  2. Snack: orange.
  3. Dinner: cucumber salad.

Day 2

  1. Lunch: salad of boiled veal, radish and cucumber.
  2. Snack: an apple.
  3. Dinner: cucumber smoothie, hard cheese.

3rd day

  1. Lunch: 200 g of rice, 100 g of boiled fish fillet, pickled cucumber.
  2. Snack: orange.
  3. Dinner: cucumber salad with vegetable oil.

Day 4

  1. Lunch: 20 g of hard cheese, 150 g of rice, cucumber.
  2. Snack: 1 apple.
  3. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad in olive oil.

5th day

  1. Lunch: vegetable stew made of cucumbers, radishes and cabbage.
  2. Snack: orange.
  3. Dinner: salad of greens and cucumbers.

6th day

  1. Lunch: boiled egg, vegetable soup of radish, cucumber and carrot.
  2. Snack: pear and tangerine.
  3. Dinner: hard cheese, cucumber smoothie.

7th day

  1. Lunch: vegetable dish of radish, carrot, cabbage, cucumber.
  2. Snack: an apple.
  3. Dinner: cucumber salad seasoned with vegetable oil.

Day 8

  1. Lunch: 100 g of boiled brown rice, 100 g of boiled fish.
  2. Snack: orange.
  3. Dinner: vegetable salad with herbs.

9th day

  1. Lunch: stewed vegetables.
  2. Snack: an apple.
  3. Dinner: hard cheese, cucumber salad.

Day 10

  1. Lunch: boiled egg, vegetable salad.
  2. Snack: pear.
  3. Dinner: greens and cucumber salad, topped with olive oil.

With kefir

The cucumber-kefir diet for weight loss consists of cucumbers and kefir. This technique shows a good result due to the low calorie content of the products. There are many variants of such a power supply system. Some of them help to lose up to 8 kg in a week. The most effective way to lose weight lasts 7 days. It does not contain a clear menu. During the day, you should eat 1. 5 kg of fresh cucumbers, 100 g of lean sea fish in boiled or baked form and drink 1. 5 liters of 1% kefir. This amount of each product is divided into 5-6 parts.

During the diet, water is allowed to drink in unlimited quantities. You can use herbal decoctions or green tea. This diet should be followed for 7 days.

With tomatoes

This weight loss method is based on the use of cucumbers and tomatoes. This vegetable is 97% water, so it creates the illusion of satiety. If desired, the diet can be supplemented with other low-calorie foods. You must eat fractionally - 4-6 times a day. You should drink 1. 5 liters of water every day. Sample menu for 3 days:

Day 1

  1. Breakfast: tomato and cucumber salad with herbs, sandwich with a thin slice of hard cheese.
  2. Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, an apple, fresh vegetable salad, a glass of tomato juice.
  3. Lunch: salad, vegetable soup, 1 apple casserole and 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. Dinner: a piece of boiled white fish, vegetable salad, low-fat yogurt.

Day 2

  1. Breakfast: toast from brown bread with slices of boiled eggs and green salad, vegetable salad.
  2. Lunch: grapefruit, vegetable salad, yogurt, tomato juice.
  3. Lunch: a piece of boiled chicken breast, salad, vegetable soup.
  4. Dinner: boiled seafood, fat-free kefir and a glass of tomato juice.

3rd day

  1. Breakfast: diet bread with kiwi and a thin layer of cottage cheese, tomato and cucumber salad.
  2. Lunch: a piece of boiled fish, 2 cucumbers, tomato juice 200 ml.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup in chicken broth, tomato and cucumber salad, 2 slices of black bread.
  4. Dinner: a piece of boiled fish, vegetable salad, a glass of tomato juice.

Prohibited and permitted products

The cucumber diet menu should consist of permitted foods. This includes:

  • vegetables: broccoli, white cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, beets;
  • greens: dill, asparagus, lettuce, parsley;
  • fruit: apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pear, grapefruit;
  • cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice;
  • buckwheat and bran bread;
  • kefir, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • beef, poultry and turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fish: hake, cod, pollet, flounder;
  • olive oil.

Prohibited products:

  • potato;
  • grapefruit;
  • dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, pasta;
  • sweet buns;
  • cookies, sweets, jam, preserves;
  • ice cream;
  • cakes, chocolate;
  • salt, sugar, mayonnaise;
  • cottage cheese;
  • pork, ham, bacon, veal, lard;
  • sausages, cooked sausage:
  • alcoholic beverages.

How to get out of the diet and keep the result

Program for the proper exit from the diet:

  • after its completion, fruits, vegetables, dairy products should be gradually added to the diet;
  • after 1-2 days, cereals are included in the menu;
  • after another 1 day you should switch to using fish and meat products.

At the same time, you must follow a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly.